
PENTASA 1G / 100 ML, Suspension rectale


--- Description
Pack 5 flacons de 100 ml
Strength (Dosage) 1G / 100 ML
Laboratory SOTHEMA
Ingredients Mésalazine
Therapeutic class Anti-inflammatoire intestinal
ATC code A07EC02
PPH $15.98
PPV $25.60
Refundable Yes
Refund base $25.60
Refund rate $0.00
Table C
Marketing status Commercialized
Type Medication
Uses En monothérapie : les formes basses (ne dépassant pas l'angle colique gauche) de rectocolite hémorragique en poussée légère ou modérée.

En association aux autres traitements de la rectocolite hémorragique (salazosulfapyridine orale, corticoïdes oraux ou locaux) : les formes récidivantes ou résistantes à ces traitements.
Side effects

Medications with one or more of the ingredients above

Medications under one or more of the therapeutic classes above

Medications from the same laboratory

The materials provided by this website,, are for informational purposes only and are not provided as legal advice or medical advice. No reader should act on the basis of this material without seeking appropriate professional advice with respect to the particular facts and applicable law. The materials are not presented as correct, complete or up-to-date, and are not a substitute for a visit or consultation with a physician or health professional.